When travelling with senior citizens, it is important to give them adequate time for rest. You should plan their itinerary accordingly to ensure that they don’t get stressed out. Also, make sure that you discuss things before leaving home. Share your concerns with an elder family member or friend. Remember, seniors have their unique challenges which they shouldn’t be taken lightly. Let’s see below ways to travel safely with old people.
Know the places where you are going
Before taking a flight, know the exact location of the destination. It will help you keep tabs on your elderly relatives’ whereabouts during your absence.
Make a list of questions to ask about health
When in doubt about any medical issue, seek expert advice from your physician. Ask if there are any special precautions required while travelling with old people. Also, check whether the medication prescribed by doctors can take effect on flights and long journeys. If not, you may buy over-the-counter medications at airport stores.
Pack light luggage
It takes less space and weightage than a large number of clothes. That way, you won’t need to worry about packing extra baggage.

Choose right seats
For older adults, choose aisle seats. They tend to get more oxygenated air than others, which helps maintain their health conditions when flying.
Avoid crowds
You may find yourself stuck in heavy traffic jams due to bad weather. In such cases, avoid sitting next to windows as they tend to be colder. Instead, sit near a fan so that you remain comfortable.
Keep a copy of your passport:
In case you lose your ID card, make sure you carry a copy of it. This will serve as proof of identity and address emergencies.
Bring along a companion
If you aren’t able to stay alone with your elderly relative, bring along someone who knows well about your loved one. He/she will act like an assistant, keeping an eye on your elderly relative.
Take snacks and beverages
If you want to prevent dehydration and hunger pangs, pack some food items. Carry water bottles in handbags or briefcases.
Carry medicines
Make sure that you carry all the medicine that your relatives might require. Carry antacids, antihistamines, painkillers, cough syrups etc. If possible, write down the names of all medicines that you take regularly.

Plan ahead
Plan your trips, making suitable arrangements for accommodation and transportation, including hotels, trains, buses, taxis, and rental cars. Keep these details ready, especially during peak season.
Have a contingency plan
Planning is half done yet planning fails many times. So, you must always prepare a backup option. In case anything goes wrong, you can go back home or contact local authorities.
Stay updated
Stay connected to social media platforms and search websites like Google Maps to understand the current traffic situation. This will enable you to decide the best route to reach your destination.
Talk to elders frequently
A common mistake made by travellers is not calling their families or friends often enough. Contacting elders regularly will allow you to know what exactly you ought to do when something unexpected happens.
Call airline services
If you’re worried about the safety of your elderly relatives, inform the airline service desk about this. An attendant will guide you through relevant information regarding security measures.
Be flexible with timings
Flexibility will help you come across as calm and composed. Thus, you will be able to handle unforeseen circumstances better.
Know your rights
Know about your legal rights before taking off. You have the right to refuse to fly if you feel unsafe. Additionally, you don’t need anyone’s permission to land at the airport even if you’re overweight.
Don’t hesitate to ask
If you have any doubts about a flight, you can raise them with the cabin crew. Most airlines provide free meal options, blankets and pillows to customers. Make sure you use them properly.
In conclusion, travelling with senior citizens shouldn’t cause stress. Follow the above tips and enjoy your travel experience to the fullest.